Sunday, May 11, 2014

Doubt KIlls More Dreams Than Failure Ever Will

Doubt Kills More Dreams Than Failure Ever Will
When you were a little, you would dream all sorts of dreams. In those dreams, you dreamed that you feel like you're on top of the world. Everyone probably told you, 'not to give up no matter what.' Unfortunately, too many people had done that. One of the main reasons for it is because of doubt. Doubt is probably the most dream killers out there. Doubt is created by either a simple 'you can't do it' or by fear of failure. Just take the chance at achieving your dreams. So what if you fail? It's better than not trying and wondering what would happen if you did. Failure will help you realize what you need to do to get better at making your dreams come true. Albert Einstein, Galileo, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, and all the other famous people got to where they are today by not letting anything get in their way in their dreams. Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. You can do it!

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