Really Think About Your Words Before You Speak. They Can Mean Different Things To Different PeopleThey say actions speak louder than words. Other times, they say words speak louder than actions. While the line between those two may be blurred, it's clear to my conscience. in my conscience, there is no line. There was never a line to begin with. There are both connected. Everything in this universe is. Words explain why you did this or that. Action is just a reaction to words. Without one another, they wouldn't exist. The way of life wouldn't exactly flow. They're both equally powerful. However, they are more powerful than in other in a way. Your actions reflect on your personality than words which can be made up in a web of lies. Words are more powerful than actions because they appeal to our emotions. A tongue has no bones, but it's strong enough to break a heart. Think about what you're going to say before you open your mouth. Words harm more people and had wars started and ended because of it. Even the simplest words that can be meant for good, might for the opposite for the other person receiving it. People are never the same. We had always been different and will always be different. Really think about your words before you speak. They can mean different things to different people.
Source: Henrich, Myrna . "Really think about your words before you speak. They can mean different things to different people so don't hurt anyone by accident. Be careful....cruel words become bad memories.." JPG file.
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