Monday, May 18, 2015

Judge Nothing, You Will Be Happy. Forgive Everything, You Will Be Happier. Love Everything, You Will Be Happiest

Judge Nothing, You Will Be Happy. Forgive Everything, You Will Be Happier. Love Everything, You Will Be Happiest
When we met someone, we take in their appearance, the sound of their voice, and even how they smell. After about seven seconds, you already got your first impression of the person. You can either be friends with them or regard them as something else. It's easy to judge someone before even knowing their personality, but it takes effort to throw that first impression aside and get to know their true self. We are often told that the past should be left in the past, but every now and then, it resurfaces, opening that old wound. No matter how bad the situation is, forgive the person. Everyone makes choices they're not proud of from time to time. Every second you're angry, you lose that many seconds of happiness. Move on. You don't need to waste your energy on dwelling the past. Everyone will always see the ugliness of something, but it takes a lifetime to see that everything is beautiful in its own way. Once you see that beauty, don't turn away. Embrace it and the world will show itself to you. Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest.

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