To Get Over The Past, You First Have To Accept That The Past Is Over. No Matter How Many Times You Revisit It, Analyze It, Regret It, Or Sweat it... It's Over. I Can Hurt You No More
Everyone has a past, present, and future. You can't focus on your future because you'll forget to live in a moment you'll never relive again. You must live in the present because time is precious and once spend can't be bought back again. You can't live in the present if you're too busy wondering about what would have happened if you did this or that, or regretting why you didn't do something sooner. You can't let your past run your whole life. What's done is done. There's no turning back now. We all live with regrets and will die with regrets, but it can't do anything for you now. It won't have your back when you need it the most. To get over the past, you first have to accept that the past is over. No matter how many times you revisit it, analyze it, regret it, or sweat it... It's over. It can hurt you no more.
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