Saturday, June 7, 2014

Everything In Life Is Temporary. So If Things Are Going Good, Enjoy It Because It Won't Last Forever. And If Things Are Going Bad, Don't Worry. It Can't Last Forever Either.

Everything In Life Is Temporary. So If Things Are Going Good, Enjoy It Because It Won't Last Forever. And If Things Are Going Bad, Don't Worry. It Can't Last Forever Either. 
You might have been told that this or that will go on forever, but the truth is, nothing goes on forever, Nothing is ever permanent. Everything is temporary. People and animals don't live forever. Like every single living things, they were born to only die again. So it's wise to live life to its fullest. Enjoy every moment even when it's bad. You only get to live in that moment once. You'll only get to relive it in your memory, and it's not going to give you the same thing. When there's the good times, there's the bad times. Not all bad things will last forever. It might seem like it'll be like that, it's not. When there's a storm, there's a rainbow on the other end. Everything In Life Is Temporary. So If Things Are Going Good, Enjoy It Because It Won't Last Forever. And If Things Are Going Bad, Don't Worry. It Can't Last Forever Either.
Source: "." JPG file.

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