Saturday, November 21, 2015

Don't Give Up! Today Might Be Your Day For A Miracle.

Don't Give Up! Today Might Be Your Day For A Miracle.
We have our good days and we also have our worst days. Life can give us the best times, but it can also give us the worst things. Everyone can have a bad day, week, month, or even a year. However, that doesn't mean that we should think that our life is horrible, that we just exist. No. Life contains more good days than bad days. Think positive even through the days that aren't clear. Stay strong. Happiness is just around the corner. It's just up to you to take the steps and turn and when you do, you won't regret taking the risk everyone else warned you not to take. Don't give up! Today might be your day for a miracle.

Friday, November 20, 2015

The Constant Happiness Is Curiosity

The Constant Happiness Is Curiosity

Life is full of wonders, from the seven wonders of the world to the deep, dark blue sea. Who knows if we are actually alone in this universe of ours? We could be just right in front of some aliens and not notice it at all. What about that person from across the room? Could they be your friend or long lost relative that you never thought you had until then? Could they be your enemy or rival? Could they be your soul mate or just another heartbreak in your love life? Life is meant to be explored. Life is meant to be curious. Without an element of mystery, life would be pretty boring. We wouldn't have the constant urge to live like there is no tomorrow. We wouldn't have made the important scientific and historical discoveries that would effect our way of life today. In fact, without clicking or searching on Google, you wouldn't be able to be reading this post or find my blog at all. The point is that, being curious isn't a bad thing. You're not going to be like the cat that was killed. Knowing that we will get the answer to our endless questions, we can live our life in satisfaction for the time being. We won't toss and turn wondering if we had done this or that. We can die knowing that we have little to no regrets. The constant happiness is curiosity.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

I'm Only Human

I'm Only Human

I'm not a robot
I'm not a superhero
I'm your regular cup of Joe 
I'm only human

I Lay In Bed For Hours In The Dark At Night, Thinking About Every Possible Thing In My Life

I Lay In Bed For Hours In The Dark At Night, Thinking About Every Possible Thing In My Life
We go to sleep to rest our eyes. However, most of us would lay in bed summarizing our actions. We then over think things. What if I did that instead? Why in the world did I do that? Oh my gosh, did I make her cry because I say this instead of that? Our bed, once something that relaxes us, becomes a place where we stay all night, tossing and turning. Maybe it's the silence that reveals our deepest thoughts. How scary how a peaceful time can turn deadly. I lay in bed for hours in the dark at night, thinking about every possible thing in my life.

Friday, November 13, 2015

With The Right Music, You Either Forget Everything Or You Remember Everything

With The Right Music, You Either Forget Everything Or You Remember Everything

Have you ever have that moment where a song would come up on the radio and it would take you back to a period in your life? Well, you're not the only one. As I look around in the places I go, I see more people listening to music on their phones, laptop, computer, and radio. Music is like an escape from reality. Every day, our lives can be stressful. Dealing with crying babies, angry customers, or disrespectful student, coworkers, and people isn't easy. It takes a lot of patience and energy to not snap at an annoying friend. An upbeat song can make us forget about our horrible day. It can show us that a dark day doesn't last forever. That there will always be a great day right around the corner. A song that is about a relationship can remind us of our own. If it's about someone expressing how they regret breaking up with their true love, then it can remind you that you should always value those around you. With the right music, you either forget everything or you remember everything.

Friday, November 6, 2015

We Are Cups, Constantly And Quietly Being Filled. The Trick Is, Knowing How To Tip Ourselves Over And Let The Beautiful Stuff Out

We Are Cups, Constantly And Quietly Being Filled. The Trick Is, Knowing How To Tip Ourselves Over And Let The Beautiful Stuff Out
Every day that we live, we fill it with moments, memories, and events. It is both good and bad. It is both light and dark. What we experience impact our personality, actions, and our thoughts. If you let the horrible things impact you, you're likely going to take it out on someone else. If you don't let it get to you, you'll see that the grass on the other side is green. We are always going to have something negative, it's just up to us to let it influence us or not. We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Don't Waste Words On People Who Deserve Your Silence. Sometimes The Most Powerful Thing You Can Say Is Nothing At All

Don't Waste Words On People Who Deserve Your Silence. Sometimes The Most Powerful Thing You Can Say Is Nothing At All
We are often told that you should always to speak up and hold your position. However, that isn't always the best approach in letting someone know that you're better off without them. By talking back, you're giving them what they want. Instead, move on. Ignore them. Sure they might call you a coward, but it shows everyone else that you are taking the high road in life. That you know that Karma and Life will eventually drop a present by to that very same person. It lets them know that you are the kind of person that knows what is the best for not only yourself, but for the people around you. You're so much better than that. You deserve the best. You always deserve the best. Don't waste words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Let Us Forget, With Generosity, Those Who Cannot Love Us

Let Us Forget, With Generosity, Those Who Cannot Love Us
We were made to feel love from inside the womb. We were made to feel love once we got out into the world. We were made to feel love when we started to talk and walk. We were made to feel love within ourselves and also from others. It's such a shame that some do not follow the same concept. It is also a shame that some chose not to share their love because of one's appearance. Those are the kind of people you do not need in your life. They are the ones that weigh you down when you need to be lifted up. They're the ones that hold you back from your real potential. They are the ones that has nothing better to do, but find the negativity in life's positive energy. Your life purpose isn't to live up to society's measure. Your life purpose is to be unique and to make your mark on history itself. Your life does not revolve around those who would rather be you than themselves. Your life revolves around yourself and the ones that would carry the world for you. Your choices should not be forced upon by hypocrite and bullies. Your choices should be made based on your intuition, feelings, experience, and morals. Also, don't take revenge. Leave that job to karma. More harm will be inflicted when you try to control destiny and take matters into your own hands. Kill them with your very own kindness. Love yourself before you love others. Let us forget, with generosity,  those who cannot love us.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Maybe Some People Are Just Meant To Be In The Same Story

Maybe Some People Are Just Meant To Be In The Same Story
There are certain people in our lives that we just wonder why? Why in the world are they even here? Why do they keep popping up? They just stand there in the corner awkwardly waiting. Maybe it is because they are going to be important later on. Just because something is small at the moment, that doesn't mean it's not going to be larger in the near future. People will come into your life just as some are leaving. You will meet many and they'll shape you to the point who you are. You will also meet the few angels in life. Those are the ones you should keep close to you. They'll pick you up when you are at your lowest low. They'll help you through every crooks and crannies. They won't mind you being yourself all the time. They won't tell you to stop being weird. They're your real friends. Don't ever let them walk out of your life no matter what. Maybe some people are just meant to be in the same story.

Friday, October 2, 2015

The Word Listen Contains The Same Letters As The Word Silent

The Word Listen Contains The Same Letters As The Word Silent
Half of the arguments, troubles, fights, and awkward situations we go through are caused by misunderstandings. And those misunderstandings would not have existed if we just close our mouth for a moment and open our ears. You can't talk and listen at the same time. How are you going to reassure your best friend if you don't even know what they are going through. After they spill the very things that are bothering them, let there be a moment of silent. Show them that you did listen to every single little word. Let them know how important they are to you. The word listen contains the same letters as the word silent. 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

I Don't Want To Talk About It

I Don't Want To Talk About It
Normally, most people would like to talk things out when something went wrong or when they are going through a really tough time. However, I'm different. I let things bottle up inside of me even when I know the consequences of it. Talking about it when I'm not ready to will only make me feel worse than I did before. People would pester me to the point where I just burst out, letting the flood gate open to allow everything I've been feeling to flow rapidly out of my eyes. My friends would say that I had an "emotionally break-down" in such a negative way or an excuse. Is it bad that I cry? Is it bad that I allow silence to be my voice when I can't use my own? Is it bad that I try to work everything out at different angles only for it to never work out in the end? Is it bad that I stress out to the point where I just want to spend the whole day staring at the ceiling thinking everything is impossible? Absolutely not. That's who I am. That's what makes me human. Just because talking about it works for mostly everyone, that doesn't mean it is the best way for me. I like to be alone. I like to process information on my own. I like asking for help when I feel like I need it. When I say I don't want to talk about it, I really don't want to talk about it. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Don't Be Afraid Of Being Different. Be Afraid of Being The Same As Everyone Else

Don't Be Afraid Of Being Different. Be Afraid of Being The Same As Everyone Else
Everyone you go, you see people wearing the sane outfit or a similar one. What happened to being different? We're told all the time to be ourselves yet at the same time we're told to act a certain way, to dress like him or her, and to talk in a certain way. If we don't do those, we face criticism and ridicule. Forget about the critics who prefer to live a life drained of its color. Life would be so depressing if everything were in black and white. Add some color. Switch things up. Do something spontaneous. Be you for once in your life. Don't be afraid of being different. Be afraid of being the same as everyone else.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

So Plant Your Own Gardens and Decorate Your Own Soul, Instead Of Waiting For Someone To Bring You Flowers

So Plant Your Own Gardens and Decorate Your Own Soul, Instead Of Waiting For Someone To Bring You Flowers

There are two kinds of people in this world. There are people who wait for someone to wave a bright, flashing arrow in the air to show them where to go; There are people who won't wait for someone in order to make their decision. Those people are the ones who venture out of their comfort zone to be successful. Those are the people who are not afraid to take risks and meet failure on the other side of wall. Those are the people that will make the world better. Those are the people that live without regrets. So plant your own gardens and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

An Entire Sea Of Water Can't Sink A Ship Unless It Gets Inside The Ship. Similarity, The Negativity Of The World Can't Put You Down Unless You Allow It To Get Inside You

An Entire Sea Of Water Can't Sink A Ship Unless It Gets Inside The Ship. Similarity, The Negativity Of The World Can't Put You Down Unless You Allow It To Get Inside You

The world is full of good vibes and bad vibes. It's just up to you to let which one affect you. The most successful people in the world have their ups and downs, but they didn't have such a negative mind set. They didn't have a quitting mentality. They just shook it off and did their thing. An entire sea of water can't sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarity, the negatively of the world can't put you down unless you allow it to get inside you.

Friday, September 4, 2015

To Get Over The Past, You First Have To Accept That The Past Is Over. No Matter How Many Times You Revisit It, Analyze It, Regret It, Or Sweat it... It's Over. I Can Hurt You No More

To Get Over The Past, You First Have To Accept That The Past Is Over. No Matter How Many Times You Revisit It, Analyze It, Regret It, Or Sweat it... It's Over. I Can Hurt You No More 

Everyone has a past, present, and future. You can't focus on your future because you'll forget to live in a moment you'll never relive again. You must live in the present because time is precious and once spend can't be bought back again. You can't live in the present if you're too busy wondering about what would have happened if you did this or that, or regretting why you didn't do something sooner. You can't let your past run your whole life. What's done is done. There's no turning back now. We all live with regrets and will die with regrets, but it can't do anything for you now. It won't have your back when you need it the most. To get over the past, you first have to accept that the past is over. No matter how many times you revisit it, analyze it, regret it, or sweat it... It's over. It can hurt you no more. 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Too Much Perfection Is A Mistake

Too Much Perfection Is A Mistake
In life, there are three types of people: the slackers, the determined, and the perfectionists. The slackers usually don't work hard unless they have to. The determined are those who are very persistence in achieving their goals. The perfectionists will do anything to achieve what they perceive as "perfect".  However, that's impossible. There is no such thing as perfect. Everything was made to have its misshapes and mistakes. To be perfect is to live a life of chasing something that can't be caught. Just being you is enough. You're awesome the way you are. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. If you go after something that is impossible to do, you'll live a life of despair instead of happiness. Too much perfection is a mistake.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

When Someone Walks Out Of Your Life, Let Them. There's No Use In Wasting Your Time On People That Leave You. What You Make Of Yourself And Your Future Is No Longer Tied To Them. Yeah, You May Miss Them, But Remember That You Weren't The First To Give Up

When Someone Walks Out Of Your Life, Let Them. There's No Use In Wasting Your Time On People That Leave You. What You Make Of Yourself And Your Future Is No Longer Tied To Them. Yeah, You May Miss Them, But Remember That You Weren't The First To Give Up
Not everyone we meet or become close with are going to stay with us forever. Sometimes, we leave them and sometimes they leave us. Nothing in life is permanent. Everything is just temporary. In a few seconds, our life can change. When they cut ties with you, that tells you that they're not worth it. All the time you spent with them wasn't worth it no matter how you spin it. Don't lose sleep over it. You'll be happier knowing you did everything you can in your power for them. When someone walks out of your life, let them. There's no use in wasting your time on people that leaves you. What you make of yourself and your future is no longer tied to them. Yeah, you may miss them, but remember that you weren't the first one to give up. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

A Book Is A Dream That You Hold In Your Hand

A Book Is A Dream That You Hold In Your Hand
It seems like the generations ahead of us will spend more time on their latest technologies than rather going out in the world and explore. Most of them will never experience what it's like to walk outside early in the morning to see the sunrise or late at night to see the sunset. Most of them will neglect the privilege and opportunities of holding a book in your hand when many in other countries would die for it. Most of them will miss a once in a lifetime chance to go to a whole different world just by staying in your room. Most of them will never know how turning a page will bring music to one's ear. A book is a dream that you hold in your hand.

Friday, August 14, 2015

A Meaningful Life Is Not Being Rich, Being Popular, Being Highly Educated, Or Being Perfect. It Is About Being Real, Being Humble, Being Strong, And Being Able To Share Ourselves And Touch The Lives Of Others. It Is Only Then That We Could Have A Full, Happy, Contented Life

A Meaningful Life Is Not Being Rich, Being Popular, Being Highly Educated, Or Being Perfect. It Is About Being Real, Being Humble, Being Strong, And Being Able To Share Ourselves And Touch The Lives Of Others. It Is Only Then That We Could Have A Full, Happy, Contented Life
There is a story that takes a point of view of two different people. They came from different social status and had very different lifestyle. One was the richest man in town and had a big mansion. The other was very poor and had a house that was always falling apart. Despite having everything given to him, he spent his day counting money and his nights stressing about how secure it was in his safe. The poor man spent his day working, earning barely anything, and come home to his happy family and friends. One night, the rich man decided to take a walk. He sees the poor man having the time of his life. Seeing this, he gave the man most of his money. That night, the man spent well in his mansion. However, the man given the money spent all night tossing and turning. He instantly gave the money back, saying that he has everything he ever wanted and had no use for the money. The moral of the story is that money doesn't buy happiness. Happiness shouldn't come with a price tag. It should come to you freely. A meaningful life is not being rich, being popular, being highly educated, or being perfect. It is about being real, being humble, being strong, and being able to share ourselves and touch the lives of others. It is only then that we could have a full, happy, contented life.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Don't Feel Stupid If You Don't Like What Everyone Else Pretends To Love

Don't Feel Stupid If You Don't Like What Everyone Else Pretends To Love
 Everyone is different. That means everyone has different tastes in music, different interests, and different lifestyles. It's a shame how most society today forces everyone to become a shadow of themselves. How it's more important if you act a certain way and follow what is mainstream right now. Most people would spend most of their time to fit in, eventually losing their identity, Forget about that. This is your time to shine. This is your moment. Live your life your way. Not everyone can be you the way you do. Ignore the stares and the ugly faces they make when you pass by. Just shake it off and walk away with class. Don't end up being a ghost of yourself. Don't end up regretting you weren't who you were when life comes to an end for you. Don't feel stupid if you don't like what everyone else pretends to love. 

Friday, July 31, 2015

Take A Deep Breath And Realize How Completely Insane It Is That You Are Alive

Take A Deep Breath And Realize How Completely Insane It Is That You Are Alive
You were inside your mother for nine months and nine days. You came out into this world as something irreplaceable. You're something to someone. It might not seem like it, but you are. Every once in a while, you wonder if anyone will miss you if you were gone from the face of Earth. What you'll see is that you impacted everyone around you. Take a deep breath and realize how completely insane it is that you are alive.

Friday, July 24, 2015

So It's Going To Be Forever Or It's Gonna Go Down In Flames

So It's Going To Be Forever Or It's Gonna Go Down In Flames 

Life is full of chances. In order to be successful and fulfill your goals, you must take risks no matter how afraid you are. There is a chance that it might not work out, but there is also a chance that might work out. If you believe that it'll work, then your chances increase. Your skills will get you halfway, but it's your will and determination that gets you there all the way. So it's gonna be forever or it's gonna go down in flames.

Friday, July 10, 2015

People Change Like Ocean Currents

People Change Like Ocean Currents
You look up to see the person you call your best friend become a stranger. Time files by and you're still left wondering what happened. Did you do something wrong? Weren't we so close that nothing could tear us apart? Well, time changes things, including us. We just can't help it. Nothing stays the same. That's what makes life so predicting. If everything stays the same, won't it be boring? People change like ocean currents. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

When We Go Crashing Down, We Come Back Every time

When We Go Crashing Down, We Come Back Every time
Ever seen headlines saying a certain person making a comeback from an injury or a horrible event in their life? Well, that's just basically everyone. The number of times we fall is less than the number of times we got up. Life is full of ups and down. It's also up to you to let the downs affect you from experiencing the great things life itself have to offer. When we go crashing down, we come back every time. 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

I Still Catch Myself Feeling Blue About Things That Don't Matter Anymore

I Still Catch Myself Feeling Blue About Things That Don't Matter Anymore
Every time you get sad about something that happened like ages ago, someone would always say get over it or the past is the past. Well, it's kind of hard to forget something when it impacted your life so much. Our brains tend to remember the negative stuff rather than the positive. It's not the happy memories that shape us, but the sad moments. We change our perspective. We look over our back more often. We try to see past the veil people cast over themselves when they first meet you. We're more cautious because that's how life is. Life is basically a classroom expect there's no one there to say "Oh. Be careful now. Listen to her tone. Watch how they rearranged their words just for you." Life can't be summed up in one of those 100 ways to conquer the world book. No, life gives you experiences. Life teaches us that it's perfectly fine to have something hit you from ten years ago. Sometimes, flashbacks come to us unexpectedly because your instincts tells you that you're about to make the same mistake again, so don't do it. It might not have been a big deal like before, but it changed you for the better. Life knocks us down to show us that we got to get up. There's no advice in the world that can tell you to live, but to live it yourself. I still catch myself feeling blue about things that don't matter anymore.

Friday, July 3, 2015

I Read. I Travel. I Become.

I Read. I Travel. I Become.
 A book to the naked eye is just pages bounded together by glue to a cover design. However, once opened, an adventure takes place. You learn about the past, present, or the possible future. You can be taken to a different world. It can be seen as an escape from the harsh reality we encounter every day. A person who reads can use their imagination to change the world and rewrite history. I read. I travel. I become.

Friday, June 26, 2015

It's Like I Got This Music In My Mind Saying It's Gonna Be Alright!

It's Like I Got This Music In My Mind Saying It's Gonna Be Alright!
As stated by Taylor Swift in her song, Shake It Off, "It's like I got this music in my mind saying it's gonna be alright!" This part of the song is quite true to most people. We come home all down, tired, and stressed out. We turned on to watch the news, which gives us more worries than reassurance. Then, we turn on our music. Music isn't meaningless. Music is a kind of art. It might not be an artwork held for display at your normal museum. It might not be planted, painted, drawn, or molded out. It might not contain the characteristics of an artwork, but it does change people's lives. It touch their hearts. It gives them the reassurance that they're not really alone in their world. That they haven't gone insane or that they're the only one going through this.  No, music brings people from half way around the world together. It gives us the true meaning of the word united. Without music, the world wouldn't be what it is today. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

I'm A Ghost Of A Girl, That I Want To Be Most. I'm The Shell Of A Girl That I Used To Know Well

I'm A Ghost Of A Girl, That I Want To Be Most. I'm The Shell Of A Girl That I Used To Know Well
When I was little, I was told everything was possible. I could touch the moon if I jumped high enough. I could be the fastest person on Earth. I could meet E.T. for the first time. Then, reality sets in. It's impossible to touch the moon because gravity is busy keeping you on the ground. I will never be the fastest person everyone had ever seen and I probably won't meet E.T. if he's on a different planet light years away. There are words in my mind that will remain unsaid. My voice is drowned by those who insist that even though every opinion matter, their's is more important. Now I just stand there with my sad, darken eyes, watching everything unfold right in front of me. I'm a ghost of a girl, that I want to be most. I'm the shell of a girl that I used to know well.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Broken Promises

Broken Promises

Even though it has no bones, the tongue is capable of breaking your heart. So be careful with your words. Well, here's the thing, most of us are reckless with most of our words. We can just say one thing and bam! Their whole day just went down the drain. Any good news that they received will be washed away and be replaced by that one thing you decided to mention. It's funny how we remember the bad things better than the good. Our trust in people are gained by their words. We do a favor for them, they returned it. However, not everyone follow through with their word. We're often hit one of the lowest points in life, waiting for the ones who we thought would have our backs to come rescue us. Instead, we're left with the only option: to be strong. Once we get back on our feet, we're scarred with the motion of their betrayal. We don't look at them the same way we used to before. The heart stills beat, but a little bit heavier. The day drags on and happiness seems nonexistence. We've learned that no one is to be trusted, that every word that comes our of their mouths are little white lies. It's funny how just one thing can change your whole perspective on the world itself. How it was colorful one second and black white for another. Broken Promises. 

Enjoy Yourself. These Are The Good Old Days You're Going To Miss In Years Ahead.

Enjoy Yourself. These Are The Good Old Days You're Going To Miss In Years Ahead.
We're always in a rush. Our alarm goes off. We get out of bed, brush our teeth, eat breakfast, and go to school or work. Next, we spend the majority of the day doing work that are interrupted by our daydreaming every once in a while. Then, we come home to eat. Most of the time, we don't even interact with our family. The time used for catching up on the events that occurred to us during the day is now wasted on our devices, testing to each other when we're sitting right next to one another. Finally, we go to sleep thinking how our life is. We're all living on borrowed time on Earth.We don't get much opportunities to spend times with our loved ones or friends. If you're have a busy schedule, make room for leisure. You deserve it. Don't spend the rest of your life regretting not being around someone more often. Enjoy yourself. These are the good old days you're going to miss in years ahead.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

So Many Things Become Beautiful When You Really Look

So Many Things Become Beautiful When You Really Look
We are always in a rush. We wish for time to go by faster to just relax and be lazy. While we're hustling, we tend to overlook some things. Some we use regularly while some we just buy it for display. We don't notice the small details until we just really look. Remember does games where they'll ask you to look for something? You don't notice them unless you look for a certain color or shape. A vase that your mother in law bought you might seem ordinary until you notice how it had flowers engraved and how the glass was so clear that you can see the little specks of dirt gathering at the bottom. The same is when you fall in love. When you first looked at them, they didn't look like those models featured in the front covers of magazines. Then, you noticed how their face just glow when they see you. How beautiful their voice or laughter is. How So many things become beautiful when you really look. 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

It's Funny How The People Who Know The Least About You, Always Have The Most To Say

It's Funny How The People Who Know The Least About You, Always Have The Most To Say
You walking in the hallway when you hear some whispering. You slow down to listen in. The words broke your heart. You look to find a stranger saying things that are not even true. Who is it that those who spread rumors about you are those who never even peeled off all the layers to see how you really are? No one will ever know. Instincts. Judgement. Either way, people always get hurt and life will never be the same again. It's funny how the people who know the least about you, always have the most to say.

Friday, May 22, 2015

I Am Not Pretty. I Am Not Beautiful. I Am As Radiant As The Sun.

I Am Not Pretty. I Am Not Beautiful. I Am As Radiant As The Sun.

We look in the mirror every morning to fix our appearance to only see our flaws. People tell us everyday that we're one of a kind when we think we're not, thinking they don't know a single thing about you. Most of us don't want to be known as pretty or beautiful. We want to be something more. Anyone can get surgery or put on makeup to do that. We want to be fierce, brave, intelligent, a leader, artistic, or creative. I am not pretty. I am not beautiful. I am as radiant as the sun.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Love The Life You Live. Live The Life You Love.

Love The Life You Live. Live The Life You Love.
Not everyone in this world have an easy life. While mostly everyone is desiring the new iPhone or the smart watch, some are only wanting food that will fill their empty stomach when they go to sleep, happiness that'll help them get through their day, love or freedom they have never experienced, water to quench their thirst, or a roof over their head. You also get a choice to live the way you want to. Don't do it for the money. Money can't buy everything in this world. Love the life you live. Live the life you love.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Judge Nothing, You Will Be Happy. Forgive Everything, You Will Be Happier. Love Everything, You Will Be Happiest

Judge Nothing, You Will Be Happy. Forgive Everything, You Will Be Happier. Love Everything, You Will Be Happiest
When we met someone, we take in their appearance, the sound of their voice, and even how they smell. After about seven seconds, you already got your first impression of the person. You can either be friends with them or regard them as something else. It's easy to judge someone before even knowing their personality, but it takes effort to throw that first impression aside and get to know their true self. We are often told that the past should be left in the past, but every now and then, it resurfaces, opening that old wound. No matter how bad the situation is, forgive the person. Everyone makes choices they're not proud of from time to time. Every second you're angry, you lose that many seconds of happiness. Move on. You don't need to waste your energy on dwelling the past. Everyone will always see the ugliness of something, but it takes a lifetime to see that everything is beautiful in its own way. Once you see that beauty, don't turn away. Embrace it and the world will show itself to you. Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest.

At Any Given Moment You Have The Power To Say, This Is Not How The Story Is Going To End

At Any Given Moment You Have The Power To Say, This Is Not How The Story Is Going To End
When found out about their mistakes from the past, they're often ask: Why did you do it? Most of the time the answer is: I have no choice or I don't know. Sometimes, we don't really have to a choice over what we do because we really don't or we think it's the best one at the time. Most of the time, however, we do it just because we felt like it. If you know something bad is going to happen. then why do it? You're just going to end up hurting more people than you intended to in the beginning. You have the power to pick. Not many people are given that many chances. At any given moment you have the power to say, this is not how the story is going to end. 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Music Is What Feelings Sound Like

Music Is What Feelings Sound Like
You walking on the sidewalk when you heard something that stops you. You listened and you feel. The song that came onto the radio was about a girl who had everything going for her when life decided to enter into the picture. The events from today play back in your mind. The bullying and the big red F on your test from your favorite subject. Just when you were ready to walk away with tears, the song transitioned into a phrase where the same girl became something that the world would never, ever forget. You realize it's the end, just yet. Songs are there to remind us that we're not alone in the world. They are messages from those who had been through tough times and made it. They're something that can't be taken away. Music is what feelings sound like.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Stop Letting People Who Do So Little For You, Control So Much Of Your Mind, Feelings, And Emotions

Stop Letting People Who Do So Little For You, Control So Much Of Your Mind, Feelings, And Emotions 
You were having a bad day when you could longer take it. You wish that you could know who your enemies are. The very next day, you discover your best friend, for as long as you could remember, was talking behind your back. Your heart sank to the bottom. You no longer understood what life was. You ignore all her calls and texts. When she confronts you about it, you said what you discovered and decide that you'll need time to think over it. If she doesn't even care about you, why waste time thinking about her. At the beginning, you start out with many friends. However, as you go on, you grew apart and saw everyone's true personality. In life, you can considered someone a friend, but when it comes to a tough time, that's when you see when they'll stay with you all the way or watch you fall. Stop letting people who do so little for you, control so much of your mind, feelings, and emotions.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

You Are Not A Drop In The Ocean. You Are the Entire Ocean In A Drop.

You Are Not A Drop In The Ocean. You Are the Entire Ocean In A Drop.
You've found yourself lost within a crowd of stranger. You feel scare and even vulnerable. Out in the open, you're exposed. No one will know who you are. Starting a new chapter is life is hard when you don't have the resources to help you. No matter what background you come from, you are just as important as everyone else. You had made an impact on the world. You might not feel it or hear it on the news, but you did, You're here on the planet for a reason. You might not know it yet, but it'll come to you at the right time. You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.

Friday, May 8, 2015

How Long Is Forever? Sometimes, Just One Second.

How Long Is Forever? Sometimes, Just One Second.
You're sitting in class and you're just watching the clock as your teacher rambles on about something that's not interesting. The clock's hand moved and the bell rang. You raced out of the class after waiting forever for the weekend to come. Flash forward to graduation day and you're walking across the stage to receive your high school diploma. You look at the crowd to find your mother and father's face showing their pride. Just now you were sitting in one of the most boring class to getting out of high school and starting your life. That forever you were waiting for came to you in a second.  How long is forever? Sometimes, just one second.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Life Is Like A Camera. Focus On What's Important, Capture The Good Times, Develop From The Negatives, And If Things Don't Work Out, Take Another Shot

Life Is Like A Camera. Focus On What's Important, Capture The Good Times, Develop From The Negatives, And If Things Don't Work Out, Take Another Shot
They say that nothing good comes out of something spoiled. I disagree. We wouldn't be who we are today if it wasn't for what we experienced. We often remembered the bad moments rather than the positive ones. It's because we use the negative to make sure that we would never, ever make the same mistake or follow that very same example. We use that to get stronger and braver to face even tougher challenges. We also use it to help others as we would have helped ourselves if we'd had known what we would go through  beforehand. We hang on desperately on the positive because it'll be the only thing we'll have if we are going through a though time. People will throw rocks they find pretty out of envy. With those rocks, we build the greatest things life can only imagine. We learn very often that if things doesn't work out the first time around, we got to try, try again.  Life is like a camera. Focus on what's important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don't work out, take another shot.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Enjoy The Little Things For One Day You May Look Back And Realize They Were The Big Things

Enjoy The Little Things For One Day You May Look Back And Realize They Were The Big Things
She was just 3 when her mother would tuck her in bed and read her a story. She was just 5 when her father would show her how to ride a bike and put on the bandage after she fallen off the bike. She was 7 when she first met her best friend. She was 12 when she was bullied and found a note taped to her locker saying to keep strong. She was 16 when she first fell in love. Two years later, she'll built a wall around.her heart to keep out the rocks the world had thrown at her. She was 25 when she learned that sometimes love did exist. 22 years later, she would say goodbye to her children as they go to college. Looking back, she realized how things that seem so insignificant at the time shaped her into the person she is now. Enjoy the little things for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Band-Aids Don't Fix Bullet Holes

Band-Aids Don't Fix Bullet Holes
Glass shine at their brightest and define the space they take up. However, when broken, it'll never be the same again. You can use all the glue in the world to put it back into one piece, but it'll never be what it once was. The same goes for us. We're having the greatest time of our lives and then someone or something had to knock us down. Some just makes us come back stronger. Some are just so bad that we'll never view life the same way again. Band-aids don't fix bullet holes.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Strive For Progress Not Perfection

Strive For Progress Not Perfection
It seems like everyone is going after that one "perfect" thing. What perfect thing? Nothing is perfect. That's what makes it so special and precious. Once you get that one perfect thing, it's going to turn imperfect and then you'll just abandon it and look for the true perfect thing. If someone doesn't achieve perfection, they beat themselves up and are most likely to give up. Set up goals. Take one step at a time to get there. Before you can achieve your goals, progress will come first. Strive for progress not perfection. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Make Today Ridiculously Amazing

Make Today Ridiculously Amazing 
Every day we wake up thinking that we'll have another day to wake up to. Another sunset to see, but no one really knows when everything will be gone. We live thinking that there will always be another chance, another opportunity. We take life for granted while others are slowly dying. Live like there's no tomorrow. You don't go through moments twice. No one does. Take risks. Jump at open chances. Don't leave wondering about what would have happened if you did things differently. Make today ridiculously amazing.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

We Live On A Blue Planet That Circles Around A Ball Of Fire Next To A Moon That Moves The Sea, And You Don't Believe In Miracles?

We Live On A Blue Planet That Circles Around A Ball Of Fire Next To A Moon That Moves The Sea, And You Don't Believe In Miracles?
There's no such things as miracles skeptics say. It just happens. It's just a coincidence. It doesn't just happen. It's fate and destiny that set the paths. It's just us that decides to take the road less travel. Every day is a miracle. We're alive day after day no matter how many obstacles life throws at us.  We live on a blue planet that circles around a ball of fire next to a moon that moves the sea, and you don't believe in miracles?

Friday, March 27, 2015

It's Almost Summer

It's Almost Summer
In the northern hemisphere, it's spring and everyone is waiting for summer. Summer is probably the only time where most people get to soak in the sun to get that tan they had always wanted. Later on, they'll realize that they might not have put on enough sunscreen to prevent that embarrassing sun burn. Kids are out of school, sleeping in late and playing games with their friends or on the internet. Yup. That's how summer is for the most of us, but not for me. I'm different. For me, summer is a time where I can just get away from all the stress I got from the school year. The"long" break was ruined for me when a teacher told me it's not 3 months, but rather 10 weeks long. If you put in that perspective, it's pretty short. I rarely get to spend time with my friends since I live so far away from them. The weather is already warming. Instead of that cool breeze and light showers, we got intense heat followed by rain followed by a dramatic temperature drop. Well, let's just say I'm excited for my summer break to come along. It's almost summer.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I'm Not Weird, I'm Limited Edition!

I'm Not Weird, I'm Limited Edition!
You look at the crowd of people in front of you. Some are wearing matching outfits with their close friends or family members. Some are dressed in their own style. You realize that everyone is not the same. If everyone is different, then why do we set what is normal? Why do we say what you should act like or shouldn't act like? I don't know about you, but in my opinion, if everyone is the same, life would be pretty miserable and boring. There's a reason why some of us are brunettes while others are blondes or why some of us have blue eyes while others have brown eyes. We were made to be different. We were made to make the world different. To change the world to where it wouldn't even recognize itself if it looked back on its memories. Society says this and that, but I say that I'm not weird, I'm limited edition!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

You Can Never Cross The Ocean Unless You Have The Courage To Lose Sight Of The Shore

You Can Never Cross The Ocean Unless You Have The Courage To Lose Sight Of The Shore
In 2013, Diana Nyad took off from Havana, Cuba to Key West, Florida. She became the first person to swim that route without a shark cage protecting her. She swam 110 miles in about 3 days. It took her five times to reach her goal. Despite some failures, injuries, and doubt from people within society. She never gave up on her dream. Life is a beautiful thing. It is rare that people get to experience everything life has to provide to them. We just let things get in the way. Doubt and fear start to pile up to the point where it seems almost impossible to do it. You forget about it until when it comes back to you in a wave filled with memories. Regret  and disappointment later replaced all the doubt and fears the world provided to you. You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. 

Your Big Ideas Are Worth Pursuing

Your Big Ideas Are Worth Pursuing
A boy sat in the classroom, confused. His teacher, after hours of tutoring, decided that enough was enough. It was time to tell him that he wasn't worth it. That he should just stick to working on the farm where all you can use are your muscles and eyes. As the teacher was insulting him, his eyes filled up with tears. He looked down on his piece of paper. He wrote one word on the paper: cancer. After years passed by, he came up with a medical formula that can get rid of the cancerous cells within the human body. Afraid that he would just be ridiculed, he regarded that idea as a theory rather than a miracle. What would have happened if he shared his idea? The medicine would have saved million of lives in both the present and future. It can turn into a breakthrough for all the fields in science. He could have won a Nobel Prize. He could have been held a hero. He could have saved the ones close to him when they had it. Sometimes, you need the speak up. Don't listen to what other people say. If you're wrong, then you'll be left feeling no regret. If you're right, then you're helping the whole world. Your big ideas are worth pursuing.